Customer Testimonials

Exceptional customer service is paramount


TAVCO Client Testimonials




Oliver Liedgens – Engineer, Tilke GmbH & Co. KG - When we needed a plotter to use at the Circuit of the Americas F1 jobsite, we turned to TAVCO. They quickly assessed our needs and provided the perfect Canon plotter to use on the project. The Canon iPF755 that we rented worked flawlessly and they provided quick and thorough support when we needed it. I would highly recommend TAVCO to any company looking for solid, wide-format support.


Steve Holder, VP - Coastal Energy Company: We recently bought a plotter from TAVCO through John. Great delivery and set-up execution in a timely manner. We're looking forward to putting this plotter to work.


Llano County Clerk: We love our Oce Plotwave 300, it is networked with our computer system, so that we can scan and print out full sized plats for our subdivisions. Also we make a lot of copies of building plans etc. for customers. All of the staff at TAVCO are very courteous and respond quickly to any technical issue that we may have. Love working with this group. 


Mike Wong, Business Manager – Tom Green & Company Engineers: The folks at TAVCO are sincerely service oriented and responsive to any reprographic need you might have. On top of their top notch service, they are some of the nicest and down to earth people you’ll meet. 


Wendy Collins, Chief of Mapping - Tax Appraisal District of Bell County: TAVCO has always given us exceptional service.  When ordering supplies they are courteous and we receive the order very quickly.  In a recent purchase of an OCE Colorwave they worked with us to get what we needed and what would work within our budget.


Stephen Haynes, Owner - Port Fabrication & Construction Inc.:TAVCO is the best supply and service company I have found in my 30 years of using large format plotters and scanners.  The sales department was extremely helpful and provided me with options that fit my needs, and no more. The service personnel are incredible.  They are extremely knowledgeable and truly care about keeping your equipment in top shape.  They have gone out of their way to personally deliver supplies when I have been overwhelmed by projects unexpectedly and found myself to be almost high and dry. The whole organization is very courteous, friendly and professional.  I can’t imagine going anywhere else for my  needs.


Bill Pappin, IT Manager -  HL Chapman Pipeline Construction: HL Chapman has been using TAVCO for our Scanner and Plotter vendor for many years, why? Top-Notch professional service personnel and support, we look forward to many more years in our relationship, their plotters and scanners have saved us many thousands of dollars by not having to go to the big printing stores to have our plans scanned and printed. Thanks TAVCO!


Greg Maxwell, Designer/Technologist - Tom Green and Company Engineers:We love TAVCO! Their service is incomparable…Good ole American service! We are especially thankful for the time they put in helping us evaluate our needs and knowing what our limitations are.


Jimmy Vrabel, Engineering Technician - City of Round Rock Public Works: We have had our Océ TDS600 that we received from TAVCO for 6 ½ years. We were actually encouraged to upgrade our current machine with the possibility of changing companies too by the suggestion of our Purchasing Department after our 4 year lease was due. I did not want that to happen, because the reason we chose that particular machine in the first place, was for the durability and it had not disappointed to that point, so we were satisfied with what we had. Also, the service for the machine from TAVCO had been outstanding from the beginning. Fortunately, nothing changed through the process and the machine is still performing like brand new and it has had very few problems. The times that I have dealt with the TAVCO staff through correspondence over paperwork issues regarding the machine have been very positive and their technicians have been very responsive to come out to the office and fix any issues with the machine, if they could not first be handled over the telephone. Our organization hopes to have a long lasting relationship with TAVCO in the future.

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